LET uses a wide variety of personality and strength assessments. We also use specialized assessments, such as career, cultural or diversity assessment tools, and can consult and support our clients in the use of a wide range of applications and tools to monitor and improve time and project management, change management, performance, or employee engagement.

However, LET’s focus is on assessments and tools that prioritize development rather than evaluation, and on growing skills and adapting behaviors and habits rather than on measuring personality or IQ. Unlike IQ and personality, which are widely considered to be relatively fixed assets, research suggests that agility and social and emotional intelligence are skills that can actually be developed. For that reason, our main assessment tools are the ISEI Social and Emotional Intelligence Profile, and the Leadership Agility assessment, that can be taken in individual, team, or 360 versions.

A 2017 Forbes and PMI survey of 500 senior executives worldwide revealed that 92% of respondents believe that organizational agility is critical to business success. And 84% agree that organizational agility is necessary to succeed in digital transformation.

Yet only 27% of the executives surveyed consider themselves highly agile. Ill-prepared to listen to market needs, to pivot quickly and adopt new strategies, these organizations run the risk of being sidelined by competitors.

Two deep trends, accelerating change and growing complexity and interdependence, operating across all geographies, sectors, industries and technologies, make agility a global business imperative.

Leaders who are most successful in turbulent environments are skilled in exercising four mutually reinforcing types of agility. LET, following the framework and assessments created by Bill Joiner and Changewise, focuses its assessment and leadership agility coaching on leaders’ practices in three action arenas (pivotal conversations, leading teams and leading organizational change) to help them develop in these four types of agility :

  • Context-setting agility: A leader’s willingness and ability to undertake initiatives that are strategic or even visionary, rather than simply tactical and incremental. Focus is on leadership practices when scoping initiatives and setting direction.
  • Stakeholder agility: How effectively a leader understands key stakeholders and creates alignment with those whose views, priorities and objectives differ from their own. Focus is on leadership practices for understanding stakeholders and resolving differences.
  • Creative agility: How insightful and creative a leader is when analyzing and solving the complex, novel problems generated in turbulent business environments. Focus is on leadership practices when analyzing problems and on creating solutions.
  • Self-leadership agility: How proactive a leader is in seeking feedback and in experimenting with new and more effective behaviors. Focus is on leadership practices for seeking feedback and developing new skills.

LET clients can take individual, team, and 360 Leadership Agility assessments, under the guidance of a Changewise LA360-certified coach.

Social and emotional intelligence is the ability to be aware of our own emotions and those of others, in the moment, and to use that information to manage ourselves and manage our relationships.

The Social & Emotional Intelligence Profile (SEIP®) is the most comprehensive, fully-validated and statistically reliable social and emotional intelligence assessment instrument on the market today. Based on the latest research models of social and emotional intelligence, the SEIP® is being used by coaches around the globe.
LET clients can take individual, team, and 360 SEIP assessments, under the guidance of an Institute for Social and Emotional Intelligence certified coach.
LET offers workshop facilitation and training in social and emotional intelligence.

“Emotional intelligence is much more powerful than IQ in determining who emerges as a leader. IQ is a threshold competence. You need it, but it doesn’t make you a star. Emotional intelligence can.”
Warren Bennis