Career and Personal Transition Coaching

Life is full of changes and choices, that grow in numbers, impact and in complexity as we grow as individuals.

My approach to personal and transition coaching is to partner with my clients to help them turn the anxiety of change into an opportunity to transform our lives and our environments in alignment with our values and purposes. It is about developing a sense of purpose, ownership and harmony for our lives, so that we are not struggling to meet what we view as other people’s expectations, but leading the lives we choose, engaging with others and collaboratively acting with them to operate the changes and transformations we decide to make together.

Transitions tend to generate anxiety because they involve a measure of risk, though they also usually involve opportunity.

Whether you are in a career transition, between two jobs, teams or companies, between two professional levels (shifting from a specialist or individual contributor level to a managerial or leadership level, of from a management position to an executive role), or considering a radical change in your career, leaving a known and secure (though not necessarily satisfying) environment for the unknown wilderness of change invariably generates anxiety, even among the strongest of us.

There always come times in our existence where we experience changes in our lifestyles: we enter a relationship, end that relationship, give birth to and raise children, watch them leave to live a life of their own, retire, lose a dear person. We put on weight, struggle to find the time to do what we are passionate about or to enjoy the company of those we love, we move to a new location, a new organization, sometimes a new country, and must adapt to new social and cultural rules, a new language, new sets of values and representations.

Those are moments when we need to regroup and have a clear vision of what is important for us, why change is important, who is in our corner, and how we can make our lives better if we take accountability for these changes and turn them into opportunities to lead our lives, engage with people around us in a meaningful way, and create a transforming experience.

Coaching helps individuals develop the habits and mindset to take ownership of those changes, create purpose and intentionality, emotional intelligence and agility, to turn change into an opportunity to engage in a transformational process with new people in a new environment.

  • Complimentary Introductory Session
  • Individually customized Self-Discovery questionnaire, followed by 2-hour self-discovery conversation
  • Optional: ISEI social and emotional intelligence assessment, Gallup Strengths Assessment, or MBTI.
  • 8-10 individual coaching sessions, meeting every 2-3 weeks
  • Audience: All people in the following transitions:
  • Career transitions: between two jobs, careers, organizations, professional levels, etc.
  • Cultural transitions: overcoming the cultural challenges of transitioning from one country, organization, level, or community to another
  • Life and lifestyle transitions: planning the next step in one’s life with purpose, intentionality, and the social and emotional skills and confidence to take leadership over one’s life
“The best day of your life is the day on which you decide your life is your own. No one to lean on, rely on, or blame. The gift of life is yours, it is an amazing journey, and you are responsible for the quality of it. Life is about the choices you make – choose wisely. Start by choosing the two most important 'guiding stars' – your values and your mission.”
Patrick Lencioni